
Hair Woes

My hair is really long.
It's always been really long.
I am bored & looking for change.
Dark hair?
short hair?
I decided not to go dark...& highlights are expensive upkeep. I'm in a total hair rut!
its already getting all dry from the winter. My fingers are dying with dryness if I don't lotion them every 5 minutes...& it's only October! YIKES!
Any opinions of whether to cut it or keep it long? I'm bored with it!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I think you should keep your hair long. It is one of your beauty secrets that is not so secret! I love your hair like it is and I won't change a thing. Now, if you had little babies to take care of, you might want something short and easy but this is the time to enjoy your long flowing mane. Just sayin...


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