
It's that lady's birthday, again!

I sure love my mom! She's pretty incredible.  She's my best friend. She was my other half before I got married.  Now she's my other half of my half :)  She's the greatest mom a gal could ask for.  She corrects me when I'm wrong.  She cheers me on all the time.  She is so happy for my successes & sad with me when I'm down.  She's hilarious & sometimes weird. Yes, that's where I get it from.  Our personalities are pretty much twins.  We laugh the same. We are both largely inappropriate sometimes.  We both have fun & get really dramatic sometimes.  We both get our feelings hurt & then we vent over & over.  She's a really good listener.  A really good advice giver, even if it's the advice I do not want to hear.  She says what needs to be said, or what I need to be told, even if it's uncomfortable, embarrassing or not quite 'ideal.'  Let's say she knows how to set things straight.  She does not beat around the bush.  She helps anybody she can.  She loves partying it up.  She is so kind & thoughtful.  She took her mother in after my grandpa was a crazy-man & her & my dad built her an entire floor into the new house so she could still have her privacy & independence, but not be lonely.  She is so wonderful & fun.  She is the sweetest lady I know.  When I grow up I want to be just like her :)

& yes, my mom has been on the news for taking a stand a few times. She's a celebrity.

She's proactive.

She has made quite a few differences on this world.

She rocks.



  1. Love it! You and Danielle both always have such great posts :D And yo momma is awesuum!

  2. Rachel that was so great! It's true that they took me in like a poor lost soul but there is a little more to that story. It is definitely true I know that I would be lonely without your wonderful Mother (and Dad) and Chase, of course. Kari has always been a light in my life and will be to the day I die! I love her a lot and appreciate all that she does for me and it looks like you do too. Nice birthday wishes, Rachel!


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