

I am so proud of Wes! When we moved to TN he started the job hunt. He was able to network with a lot of the people we know here & given a lot of info about available jobs! Thank you all who helped him!

Wes was interviewed by a lot of agencies and offered a lot of jobs.
Seriously, how lucky are we?
We got to CHOOSE which job/benefits were best for our family.
What a blessing. Especially because Weston is also going to school doing pre-req courses.
Busy boy!

I am so blessed to have a hubby who is hard working & also gets along so well with people!

Weston accepted the position as a paramedic in downtown Nashville. 
He is so excited & I am so proud!

Way to go, Wes!


  1. I liked the first one best, with a closer shot of his face. Still, that shot of the TENNESSEE badge was a real winner! Weston, we are all so proud of you!!! You have accomplished so much in a short time!!! As always you look so handsome in these photos, too!


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