
Sole Searching

Okay, so my trusty Nikes died on me.
After Saturday's run I realized my Achille's tendon was in shambles because the back of my shoes were waaaay too worn.
I ran in them yesterday again & it wasn't pleasant to say the least. I realized, Monday's being my truly free afternoon, I needed to get shoes. So, I hopped on the bus and headed to the mall! I tried on every running shoe Sport's Authority had to offer. The consensus was made and these babies were the number one! I was so excited, because I liked how they looked the very best, & it just so happened they turned out to be the best ones! Hoorah!
The old babies and I had a good run around since August,
but here's a picture of my new boyfriend, Nike Lunarglide:
I also got new shorts. Pictures will come shortly.
I'm so excited for tonight's 8 miler! Woohoo!!


  1. New b/f's are always improvements over the old ones...haha...Congrats!!!! Glad you have the right pair!!

  2. cute shoes! i love them! hopefully they do good things for you :)

  3. Cute shoes, Rachel! However as a runner I feel obligated to warn you that Nike's are typically not good for running. If you feel like your legs do ok with them, though, then that's your call! :) But I've just learned from numerous running specialists over the years not to go there. If you go to a running specialty store (like the one on the corner of State St and 800 S--could be wrong on that address...it's near Costco...I think Syd knows where it is)...they don't even CARRY any Nikes...no running store does. Have you ever gone to a shoe store like that? They don't cost any more than buying the shoes elsewhere but they have people that will evaluate the way you run and tell you what kind of a shoe would be best for you.

    Just thought I would share. But I do think those Nikes are SUPER cute and if you feel like they don't damage your legs then it's all good! :) Happy Training!

  4. Pretty things here! Great camera shot, too. Just hope they keep your feet in the best working order!


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